Adventures in Marketing: Week 185

Sold one “I Will Keep You Alive.”
The buyer was a woman from India, who worked in I.T. We had noticed each other at the café but had not spoken until we met at the salad bar at Whole Foods. (“Romaine is back!” I’d said.) She said she read Wayne Dyer and Wayne Dyer often mentioned Ram Dass and Ram Dass had written a cover blurb for our book, so the next time she saw me at the café…
When she did, it turned out she wanted a book as a gift for a friend. “He likes science-fiction.”
“Not too long ago,” I said, “this would have been just that.”

I also gave a “Schiz” to a Croatian woman who lives in Slovenia. (You know what it costs to send a book to Slovenia? $24, that’s what.)
She had sent me a “Friend” request at FB. When I messaged her “Why?”, she said it was because we both loved comics, and, if I would give me my address, she would send me some of hers. They turned out to be three minis and a full-size anthology she’d edited, all of which she’d also published. (That cost her 6.90 euros.) I was so struck by them, I said I would like to write about them – and she said she would send me two more.

I may have said – but will say again – among the great and gratifying experiences of this writing thing, especially in this internet age, are the connections it brings and the odd conjunctions of which they often consist.
And I’m a kid who, when growing up in West Philadelphia, the only non-Americans he knew were two brothers from Puerto Rico.
Oh yeah, there was also Chinatown.

In other news…
1.) A political consultant acquaintance on “Cheesesteak”: “Delightful… witty and well-written.”
2.) A basketball buddy on the same: “Really good. A 40-foot three-pointer.”
3.) A woman from the health club on IWKYA: “Wonderful. The only book I leave out on my coffee table for visitors to pick up.”