Adventures in Marketing: Week 35

Sold one “Cheesesteak.” Its cover caught the eye of a fellow at the cafĂ©, an ex-Berkeley High teacher, who was from Conshohocken and graduated Temple, ’62. He balked at the price, but I threw in a “Huge,” and we were cool.

In other news, a) it looks like we’re a “Go” with Milo’s distributor pal. “The Schiz” will be in his company’s fall catalog — and maybe “Cheesesteak” too. So coming soon to a store near you… (But to avoid the rush, you may order both — and other of Bob’s books now — from this very web site.)

And b) the ten lucky winners of the “Cheesesteak” lottery at Goodreads have been announced. (There were 690 entries, and the over/under — well, there is no “under” — on how many heartbroken losers will now order a copy they must pay for is Zero.) Statistical analysis shows one was male and nine were female. They reside in nine states. (Texas had two.) Mostly they came from cities I had not heard of. (The biggest were Talahassee, Corpus Christi, and Columbus, OH.) Mostly they read, like, James Patterson and Steven King. The youngest was 20 and he oldest not within a decade of me.(The over/under on how many of my previous books the winners had read is Zero too.)

I inscribed each copy “Thanks for the interest. Enjoy.” I included my card/e-mail address in each. I look forward to any responses.