Adventures in Marketing: Week 87

No books sold. No conversation attracted.
But otherwise…
1.) The PR person at the NYC publisher told me not to worry. The book she’d asked me to review is still coming. Delays due to weather.
2.) Received complimentary copy of Issue #1 of “Full Bleed,” the quarterly my article on UG cartoonists was bumped out of. But it is to appear in issue #2 and my article on Guy Colwell in #3. So I am reassured there. (A handsome publication. Check it out.)
3.) Sent an article to the fellow in New Zealand who had requested something for me I had thought I might do 500 words, but I came up with 1500, a mini-comic review crossed with a Renata Adler-type story, which delighted both me and the editor. This led to a further exchange in which I learned he also produces records, is into “punk and noise,” and identifies as “an effeminate man… (who tends) to focus on having diverse voices in my publications and music.” (I said, “$5 says I will be the only straight, 75-year-old, Jewish one.”)
The mag is called “Happiness is Luxury.” It will be out in October. I expect distribution in the States will be limited, but I will receive two free copies.
“And I get paid?” I said.
“I could give a donation,” he said, “but I don’t make a profit. It’s more a labour of love.”
“Love is fine,” I said.
4.) Things did not go as satisfyingly with my efforts to get paid by the bookstore in Manhattan which had my stuff on consignment. My personal representative (Name Withheld On Request) suggested I call. “Can I speak to Mr. Healy?” I said.
“He’s not here. May I take a message?”
I left my name and number.
“Oh yeah,” he said. “I just spoke to Name Withheld.”
“And to whom am I speaking?” I said.
“Nick. Nick, Nick, Nick.”
“That’s Nick Nick Nick Nick?” I said.
“Yeah. Nick, Nick, Nick.”
Mr. Healy has not called.