Adventures in Marketing: Weeks 261 – 268

Sold one book.
It happened on my second of two widely-spaced café sits. (I have since made a third and fourth.)
The buyer was probably the café’s longest-tenured regular. (He says he came the day it opened, For a while his usual table bore a “Reserved” sign.) He’s a multi-talented man-a out-many-cultural-corners-of-town, an author of several books, one of which I purchased, and though we’re friendly, he’s resisted mine. (I, not to my credit, keep track.) “I guess it’s about time,” he said.
I described – and he looked at – the four currently on display. (The illustrations interested him most.) Finally, I recommended “Cheesesteak,” a good Bob Levin starter-course, I figured.

In other news…
1.) I gave away two copies of “I Will Keep You Alive.” One went to a visual artist who, having read of my “pre-owned” cowboy boot mania at “First of the Month,” reached out with helpful advice ranging from applying baby powder to socks before forcing them onto feet and mink-oiling (and baking in oven) for general conditioning. (“Don’t you dare,” Adele said to the second part of this suggestion.)
The second went to a physicain/step-daughter of my oft-mentioned friend Budd. He offered to pay but since he’d written one of the book’s only two reviews, I couldn’t accept.
2.) And for anyone who reads this far, I am on schedule – assuming I stop revising – to get a new book out this summer. I plan to give copies to anyone who sends me a SASE ($2.91, domestic; 81/2: X 91/2″ or thereabouts). If you don’t already know my home address, POB 9492, Berkeley 94708 will do.
Further notice will come but I’m curious to see what responses this will bring, particularly since I’m not going to say a word about what the books about.