Adventures in Marketing: Weeks 388 – 389

Sold a “Lollipop.”
The buyer, a Hispanic woman in a SHE sweatshirt and short shorts, works as a researcher in public health. The notable thing about this transaction was that since I’d last used Square it had changed its sign-in requirements as if to prevent a flood of patrons from receiving unearned money in their accounts. I was baffled, but the researcher stepped in, swiped, swiped again, and… Voila! I had made $9.64 and Square its 36-cents.
Also Hank Rosenfeld and I finalized our deal. I received “Jive 95,” his rib-tickling, eye-rolling oral history of KSAN (Boy, were those people nuts – but good talkers), and he received an “Outlaws, Rebels…” and a “Most Outrageous” – and I threw in a “Cheesesteak.”
Finally, a fellow with white hair in a short pony tail and shades stopped by. “Wanna buy a book?” I said.
“I’ll have a look,” he said.
He picked up “Goshkin.” “That’s interesting,” he said.
And left.
My opening may need work.

In other news…
1.) I’m reading a book by a friend about a civil trial in which he was a plaintiff. When he got to voir dire, he designated the race of every prospective juror, including Caucasians, which caused me to note that, while I designate when people are African-Americans and Hispanics and Asians, I leave whites alone (See above), and I wondered if this reflected racism on my part, as if I am operating on an assumption “Of course, people are white,” even though, world-wide , most aren’t, and, in fact, at this very moment. in this very café, it is eight-to-one against.
I feared some memo had gone out on which I had not been copied, but when I asked my friend, he had no explanation – nor why he had not designated the race of the judge or the lawyers or other principals in the case.
This, I figured, was between him and his editor.