Adventures in Publishing: Week 25 (con.)

The cakes (four) have been ordered for “The Schiz”s launch party. (Nov. 10, 7-9 p.m., 1538 Shattuck.) The cups and plates, forks and napkins are in the trunk of the Honda. (Adele, attendees will be happy to know, was a positive influence, persuading me that aesthetics and quality should influence my purchases, not just cheapness.) The wine is yet to come.

I figure I have invited a hundred people. I also put up two posters and alerted Facebook friends and at least two of those have alerted theirs. (I also told all the NorCal cartoonists who contributed to the book that, if they came, I’d find room for them to sell their books. No responses there yet.) I didn’t ask for RSVPs, but based on those who provided one, the crowd should break 60, which, while maybe not allowing room to turn around, should afford space for folks to reach into their wallets.

Incidentally, I’ve recently met two of the “Sorry, but…” sayers for lunch, and, in anticipation of their “But where can I get a copy…,” I’d come with one I my pocket, along with my Square plug-in allowing me to take credit cards. But the question was not asked, and, unpushy fellow that I am, the answer was never given.