I Don’t Even Play a Doctor on TV, But…

1.) Adele’s PTP advised her yesterday not to watch TV news. “It’s bad for your health.” That’s the second doctor who’s said that to us, so I quit cold turkey. No more Nicole. No Chris or Anderson. Good-bye Joe and Mika and John and Brianna. It’s been 21-hours and I’m not shaking yet.
He didn’t say anything about newspapers, so I’m still reading the Times. It and the Post’s where all their news comes from anyway. The rest is opinions and I can get that in the locker room (when it re-opens) or on the phone and no one’s opinions matter. Events are going to occur or not occur and TV news is mainly entertainment and checking hairstyles and who’s in and who’s out – admit it.
2.) Then I saw my cardiologist. She reported (a) on a dinner with her husband at a restaurant in Arizona, jammed with drunk, noisy, unmasked, probably unvaccinated people – probably in town to help with the recount. When neither he nor she came down with COVID, she concluded “Probably Pfizer works”; and (b) this has been her healthiest winter ever. No colds, no flus, despite all the patients she’s seen. She attributes it to masks. She recommends sticking with them, like the Asians.